Master of Indigenous Studies in Sociology

🎯Features and Objectives

Talent is the key to the indigenous people’s progress to self-government(Autonomy), and the cultivation of talents needs the training and cultivation(flourish) of natural and social science. The purpose of this class(program) is to train the social science talents of the indigenous people’s autonomy(to train social science experts needed to establish the autonomy of indigenous tribes ), and to provide them with the methods and abilities to understand the problem, find the problem and solve the problem (Find and solve the problems) through the training of theory, teaching, practice and field work.

After completing the basic theory courses, the students will return to the workplaces or communities to carry out related works, and the paper, practical report or curatorial are required as the graduation threshold.

🧗‍♂️Career Planning and Prospects

This class(program) enrolls(is looking for) those who are interested in the revival of indigenous culture, and(at the mean time,) encourages students to return to their workplaces or communities after graduation and participate in the formulation, promotion and implementation of Indigenous policies in order to deepen the connotation and energy of indigenous autonomy.

The National Indigenous Peoples Museum has been decided to establish in Kaohsiung and is expected to open in 2025. This special class(program) will work with the museum to actively cultivate indigenous cultural administrative related personnel.

👨🏼‍🏫Faculty and Research Areas

The class(program has 12 full-time faculty, including two outstanding Indigenous scholars, with research areas covering the Austronesian culture, environment and disaster, migration, investigation of old sites and traditional territories, urban indigenes, ethnic relationship, cross-cultural comparative research… etc.

🏋️‍♂️Educational Goals, Students’ Professional Competences

Cultivating the Leaders of Indigenous Autonomy and Social Development.

Reserving the talents of the indigenous culture revival and community reconstruction. 

Cultivating(Foster) students’ professional ability in academic research and social practice

developing the vision of students to understand the international indigenous people

Strengthening students’ ability of(to) cultural develop and practice 

Improving (students’ professional skills and abilities in career development)the professional skills and abilities of students’ career development